Monday, May 2, 2011

Splitter or Unifier?

We live on a huge ranch. The fences are adequate to hold the cows, but the goats can go where ever they please! We feed the goats at night in the pens, so they rarely browse further than a few miles away. They also stay in a group...usually. The exception is when we introduce new goats to the herd. When that happens, they get confused, or they don't know who to follow. Either way, inevitably, we have to go out and find stragglers. We got a beautiful new red billy the other day, and when it came time to let him roam with the goat herd, I was nervous that he might get lost. As I thought about the possibility that the goats would split up, I realized that the same dynamic happens among people.  Some people plant seeds of dissention that cause problems within relationships. The bible tells us that we are to seek unity and restoration of relationships. I'm happy to say that the new billy is a “unifier.” What about you?

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