Monday, May 2, 2011

Hand Me Downs

I was looking around my house, and realized that a good many of my belongings are things that others have used, replaced, and given to me. The list is long... clothes, space heaters, a scale, a cane, plates, glasses... the list could go on and on! It's true, I am very frugal!  But I think the reason goes deeper! I do not like to throw things away, especially if they still have value! How cool when I can put cast off items to good use! Our culture tends to be a "throw away" culture.  Rather than fixing or 'making do,' we just throw things away and get the newer version.  It even applies to people and relationships!   As I contemplated this, I began to think about God and how He sees the beauty and value that underlies the external. He doesn't throw away, or give up on things either. Thank Goodness! If He did, he would have given up on me long ago! Thank you Father for your patience, and for not giving up on me, even though it took 'forever' for me to accept Your truth!

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